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Problem with stash tabs and chaos recipe

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Hey guys! 
I got a problem regarding the stash tabs, currency/chaos tabs





In my bot I selected the currency tab for 1 and the chaos tab for 4.


My problem is the bot still puts everything in tab 1 and does not put the chaos recipe items in 4. stash tab.


Anoter problem is, he stashes all items unid without iding it, and doesnt check if its a good rare.


He also does not sell the items when he got enough items for a chaos recipe, so I have to do it every time on my own, and need to id every item etc.


Can I set it up, so my bot will automatically iding the items and check if they are good/selling the items to the vendor then when he got enough items for the chaos recipe, or do I have to do it on my own ?



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Default Pick it stashes all rares. Edit it to what you want to stash. Chaos is for high level items and I'm assuming you're farming low level zone.

These are explained in better detail on a few stickies.

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I already edited the default pickit, and he is farming maps, so the average ilvl is above 60  and he is stashin all the rare items, I edited it to stash all rare items it was my fault.


but it would be interesting to know if he would still stash the items and would sell it to the vendor if I comment it on the pickit lines

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Try making currency tab 3 (or 2).  I believe the bot uses the first available tab to dump all non-currency and non-chaos stuff into.  In this case tab 1 is that. (as well as currency)


Good Luck

Edited by Curado

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if you want to use currency as the the 1st tab, i would just put the overall order as 3,2,1,4. he should start to stash things (non chaos recipe/curr) into the 3rd tab.


with only 4 stash tabs its kinda limited space, at some point its gonna mix things up, if tabs are full.



guide for chaos recipe: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6732-guide-chaos-recipe/

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if you want to use currency as the the 1st tab, i would just put the overall order as 3,2,1,4. he should start to stash things (non chaos recipe/curr) into the 3rd tab.


with only 4 stash tabs its kinda limited space, at some point its gonna mix things up, if tabs are full.



guide for chaos recipe: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6732-guide-chaos-recipe/

He still puts every item where he wants, even the currency.


And the chaos orb method where he picks up the unid rares dont work properly. 

I did everything like the guide explained it.... deleted the rare items selection etc.

But now he doesn't piick up the rare items any longer.... can someone help me plz ?


Im start to getting frustrated ....

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Well Im using default pickit (didnt change anything)  and my settings are


Stash tabs 2,3,4,5,6

Currencies 1

Chaos 6


I also check Loot rare rings/amys, pick chrom items, loot rare items, pick only Chaos recipe, enable stashing, stash shards. And all working OK till now.


So currency is going to stash 1, chaos recipe to stash 6, all other items to 2,3,4,5,6. I need more space because I stash all unique items.


best regards


Edited by Suzana1

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