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bot will NOT target rares for frenzy

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ok so im sure this is an issue that is already made aware but i dont see an actual report on it so im posting it here just so its logged.


jp is already aware of this and a fresh copy of the bot has been tested with same results.


for flicker iiq


the skill ini setup.




ive tried reducing and increasing the ranges and regardless for what ever the freaking reason, the bot will NOT target rares nor bosses when it needs to frenzy for charges.


the bot also instead of walking TO an enemy to flicker OR frenzy, he will keep the mouse on them as they approach but he will not actually move/attack untill they are pretty much in the 10 range (and ive tried range 15-25 with 25 being the recommended distance)


the bot spams golems even if the golems alive and "is a golem" is checked (tho im sure this is known)


finally. i noticed today that the bot hangs on the doorway if it enters the wrong area. when i got home



0 chicken



the bot went into caverns from northern forest, ctrl clicked the door to northern forest and then just sits there instead of selecting a new instance. if it does manage to portal out. it went and vendor-ed w.e it had and then went back in only to sit there again


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