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infinite loop TP over WayPoint

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2016-03-09 23:11:49 [info] -> Moving to position(2048.800049, 1972.285278). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:50 [info] -> Moving to position(2043.204834, 1902.150146). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:50 [info] -> Moving to position(2034.566528, 1727.802124). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:50 [info] -> Moving to position(2037.053101, 1621.812134). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:50 [info] -> Moving to position(2033.994141, 1437.206665). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:51 [info] -> Moving to position(2040.475464, 1365.680176). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:51 [info] -> Moving to position(2053.128662, 1254.252808). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:51 [info] -> Moving to position(2048.913086, 1266.304321). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:11:51 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-03-09 23:11:54 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-03-09 23:12:06 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:06 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:06 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:07 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:07 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-03-09 23:12:08 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-03-09 23:12:08 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:08 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Moving to position(9896.739258, 13820.652344). State Priority: 14
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:10 [info] -> Moving to position(9896.739258, 13820.652344). State Priority: 14
2016-03-09 23:12:12 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-03-09 23:12:12 [info] -> Moving to position(2091.434814, 1722.215454). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:12 [info] -> Moving to position(2091.434814, 1722.215454). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:12 [info] -> Moving to position(2091.434814, 1722.215454). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2069.649170, 1711.315308). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2036.253662, 1685.906250). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2046.239990, 1671.038940). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2035.093994, 1645.322144). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2031.086060, 1620.707886). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2039.107300, 1601.690552). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2044.688965, 1598.012085). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2035.792358, 1534.842163). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2014.429565, 1483.977905). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:13 [info] -> Moving to position(2018.100830, 1465.896484). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:14 [info] -> Moving to position(2022.597900, 1439.881958). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:14 [info] -> Moving to position(2018.265503, 1380.132690). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:14 [info] -> Moving to position(2039.180054, 1416.692505). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:14 [info] -> Moving to position(2039.180054, 1405.878052). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:14 [info] -> Moving to position(2029.097534, 1325.847412). State Priority: 3
2016-03-09 23:12:15 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-03-09 23:12:17 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-03-09 23:12:19 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-03-09 23:12:22 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:31 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Moving to position(8548.913086, 10798.913086). State Priority: 14
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-03-09 23:12:33 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2016-03-09 23:12:34 [info] -> Moving to position(8548.913086, 10798.913086). State Priority: 14
2016-03-09 23:12:37 [info] -> Exiting bot





looks like bot won't restart new instance and goes back to try and setup new instance but it goes into previously explored map run........any suggestions how to fix this???

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