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Fast leveling, 10-30ish

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Here is what I do for any 6 starting characters, input always welcome!

Skill used: Clarity, split arrow, fire trap.

Bot will first throw fire trap, shoot split arrow, then use default attack(or any other specified skill) on remaining monsters.

Manual level until clarity can be used.

Gear Used:

Botting gear, up to level 15-20ish, then start swapping in your main gear.

Weapon: Quill Rain Short Bow (Unique)

Helm: Ezomyte Peak Iron hat (Unique)

Amulet: Karui Ward Amulet (Unique)

Ring: 2x Blackheart Ring (unique)

Boots: Wanderlust Whool shoes (Unique)

Weapon: BroadStroke Quiver (Unique)

Gloves: I use rare gloves

Belt: Currently use rare belt

Gems Used:


Fire/bear trap

Split Arrow

+extras, whatever you like

Combat Setup:

Keys Used: Mouse 1,2,3 (Left, middle, right) ASDFG

Mouse1: Walk

Mouse2: Clarity

Mouse3: Default attack(or whatever attack you prefer using)

A: Split arrow

S: Fire Trap

D: Unassigned

F: Unassigned

G: Unassigned

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