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bot not reset instance in merciless

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bot not always reset instance when doing ledge runs, causes bot to put a TP above the WP and it won't function properly............ i been having this issue for few days and it seems to only happen in merciless and at the ledge spot for thats as far as i got so i can grind for EXP

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I've been leveling another bot in ledge for last 20-30 minutes with no issues.  Probably your map explore percentage is too low, not sure.  You can always stop bot when the issue happens and then post the last 20 or so lines of your lastrun.log.

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2016-02-13 17:56:21 [info] -> Moving to position(2027.173828, 1788.043457). State Priority: 3
2016-02-13 17:56:21 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-02-13 17:56:23 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-02-13 17:56:24 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-02-13 17:56:28 [info] -> Selecting area...
2016-02-13 17:56:33 [info] -> Area reinitialized!!
2016-02-13 17:56:33 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-02-13 17:56:33 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-02-13 17:56:33 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-02-13 17:56:33 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
2016-02-13 17:56:34 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:34 [info] -> Creating tp...
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Moving to position(15288.042969, 5244.564941). State Priority: 14
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-02-13 17:56:36 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:37 [info] -> Moving to position(15288.042969, 5244.564941). State Priority: 14
2016-02-13 17:56:37 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-02-13 17:56:37 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-02-13 17:56:37 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:37 [info] -> Moving to position(15288.042969, 5244.564941). State Priority: 14
2016-02-13 17:56:38 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-02-13 17:56:38 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-02-13 17:56:38 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:38 [info] -> Moving to position(15288.042969, 5244.564941). State Priority: 14
2016-02-13 17:56:39 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-02-13 17:56:39 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-02-13 17:56:39 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:39 [info] -> Moving to position(15288.042969, 5244.564941). State Priority: 14
2016-02-13 17:56:40 [info] -> Current complex map explored !!
2016-02-13 17:56:40 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2016-02-13 17:56:40 [info] -> Area finished!!
2016-02-13 17:56:40 [info] -> Moving to position(15288.042969, 5244.564941). State Priority: 14
2016-02-13 17:56:43 [info] -> Exiting bot

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I've been leveling another bot in ledge for last 20-30 minutes with no issues.  Probably your map explore percentage is too low, not sure.  You can always stop bot when the issue happens and then post the last 20 or so lines of your lastrun.log.



yes it will run fine for a while but try running the bot for say 3hrs and make sure u have the use Town Portal option used becuse i want to use that option so the bot doesn't logg me out due to the fact thats how GGG is now catching bots again.......

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