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Bot keeps selling uniques...

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I'm sorry if it's been asked before, but I run my bot at night and read the log in the morning and see that it picked up uniques. I have it set to stash in all 10 pages, but they aren't there. How do I keep him from selling uniques? I have it set to run on default pickit that it came with, as I'm not familiar with codes or whanot. Thanks in advance.

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Hi, I don't know much about this either. But, from what I've seen in the picket file you just need to take away the "//" lines on the uniques you want to keep. There's also a line in the picket in the unique section has lets you keep all uniques unid in the stash. That's currently what i'm doing and it seems to work pretty well.

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Hi, I don't know much about this either. But, from what I've seen in the picket file you just need to take away the "//" lines on the uniques you want to keep. There's also a line in the picket in the unique section has lets you keep all uniques unid in the stash. That's currently what i'm doing and it seems to work pretty well.

100% true

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All the above

it is supposed to sell low end uniqs, like ones bellow 30 c or so


you can edit it in the pickit file (open with any text editor)

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