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Map's profile not working

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It dosent run 5-8 and it's not upgrading...it's doing random stuff..if i let him run tier 3 it dose work ...what's the problem 





// Map Tier Setting

[MapTier] >= "5" && [MapTier] <= "8" # [RunMap] == "true"


// Map Rarity to Run (Uncommenting means Ignore)

[Rarity] == "Unique" # [ignoreMap] == "true"

// [Rarity] == "Rare" # [ignoreMap] == "true"

// [Rarity] == "Magic" # [ignoreMap] == "true"

// [Rarity] == "Normal" # [ignoreMap] == "true"


// If you want to enable automatic quality upgrading

// [MapTier] >= "4" && [Quality] <= "16" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeQuality] == "true"


// If you want to transmute or alch maps before running them. Be careful UpgradeToMagic and UpgradeToRare aren't compatible.

[Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToMagic] == "true"

// [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToRare] == "true"


// Use this to roll for a specific amount of Item Quantity **(DOES NOT INCLUDE QUANTITY FROM QUALITY)**

[map_item_drop_quantity_+%] < "20" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- ITEM QUANTITY   -- Total Item Quantity of the ** MAP MODS ONLY ** 


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