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Bug-List so far

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Bot will try to kill the Undying Wall over and over
Bot doesn't detect that it's on a corner and attack isn't working (spark cast into corner which prevents the bolts from doing anything)
Bot spams teleport scrolls if it moves from the spot that the last one was cast (was moving when used or fought an enemy)
Bot will try to kill enemies that are still in I-frames (spiders climbing up from depths)
Bot will get stuck on enemies while trying to reach another it's targeted (poor pathing block detection)
Bot doesn't prioritize killing spawners (bug queens)
Bot has trouble finding the Slums Sewer entrance, will walk right by it
Bot will not scroll down the list of instances to select "New Instance" if there are enough instances opened to cause scrolling to be needed


I'd help out with the programming, but I'm a web programmer, not a application programmer so I don't C very well. :P



Edit: Should say I'm on 0.56m.

Edited by zapnap

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I always have alot of rares from bosses and portal is above items and bot cant enter portal to go sell items cuz clicking on item wich cover portal. Can you add to hold alt while entering portal please ? Wasting alot of time if get stuck like this

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Some of the bugs you have listed , there are workarounds for this in place

for example

1. Iframes targeting , use kiting like ranged characters do and keep getting closer to the target ... this makes it even more complex for spark  because its random projectiles .. i see no other option to trigger the monsters stuck in iframes to come out 



use lootfilter , enable alt+click to pick up objects. 

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Stuck on opening and closing stash while looking for a map, it gets the location of map right but wrong stash tab, cant even run for hour or two

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