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v0.56m stuck at casting buff

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The bot starts and this happens.

It is a fresh install and configured from zero.


2016-01-29 19:23:57 [info] -> Switching area

2016-01-29 19:23:59 [info] -> Selecting area

2016-01-29 19:24:00 [info] -> Switching area

2016-01-29 19:24:00 [info] -> Switching area

2016-01-29 19:24:07 [info] -> Area reinitialized!!

2016-01-29 19:24:08 [info] -> Casting aura

2016-01-29 19:24:11 [info] -> Casting aura

2016-01-29 19:24:14 [info] -> Casting aura

2016-01-29 19:24:17 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:18 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:19 [info] -> Rotten Entity not cleaned detected: address 79867578, id 058d

2016-01-29 19:24:19 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:20 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:21 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:22 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:23 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:24 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:25 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:26 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:27 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:28 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:29 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:31 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:32 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:33 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:34 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:35 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:36 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:37 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:38 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:39 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:40 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:41 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:42 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:43 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:44 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:45 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:46 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:47 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:48 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:49 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:51 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:52 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:53 [info] -> Casting buff..

2016-01-29 19:24:54 [info] -> Exiting bot


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It was a setup that was working till today, I did not change anything.

Now it is solved setting 1 skill at time, starting and stopping the bot every step.

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Most of the time, this issue is due to one of your key being set as aura skill or golem skill, while bot can't actually cast it (ie vaal aura, or simply you don't have mana, or wrong key).

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