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56j Bot getting stuck

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Almost every map or Dried lake run my bot gets stuck and will not time out. This is from my logs and repeats itself forever.


2016-01-24 14:06:17 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:17 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s
2016-01-24 14:06:18 [info] -> Going to pick item

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