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Banhammer This Morning

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the problem with TP to town feature is that it not working correctly : bot tends to stash portal scrolls then go back farming and if he doesnt loot a portal scroll during his run, he will DC or bug trying to loot an item even if his inventory is full

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I am guessing portal gem is in the works but with the long list of requests it may take a while to get. I am amazed that our development crew has kept up as well as they have.

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today my  bot has been banned: 


I have botted for some days on VM with static IP on paid VPN. Got a message: your IP has been banned..

Others accounts are working OK. So mybe the IP has been flagged and used by others or they checked my farming..


I farmed around 15h daily, with messaging and trading and manually leveling till act 3 merc. Then i farmed city of sarn and docks for some time.

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