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Banhammer This Morning

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I botted a fresh verified account from lvl 1 to 25 24/7 and it hasn't been touched with a ban. All I would do is upgrade gear and move him to diff areas as it leveled. To note, it was kinda slow because it just spammed heavy strike the whole way; kept it simple.

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i didnt log in on bot after patch and still IP banned, i wasnt even online last night etc.

they are just banning based on something random i guess.. only thing i have been doing recently is having two accounts on, playing on one and the other in town...

ur not allowed to have two accounts on at the same time? even if they aint botting? wtf?

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1. ur allowed to run 2 accounts at the same time as i know. but ONLY if ur manually running them. means controling only 1 at a time. since anything else isnt possible manually if ur running them on the same pc.

2. theyr obviousy not banning for random reasons. thats dumb.

but since u think theyr doing so ur either super stupid or their banning methods are quite good xD

what they actually do is:

they figure out bot accounts and mark them somewhere. then they check u and ur ip and the accounts ur getting in touch. (or something like this)

after a bit of time they ban all the suspicious accounts.

as i heard u probably get back ur account if u just write to support and complain hard ;)

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Don't GGG allow multiboxing?

as far as I know there is no even one multiboxing software, that really works with poe.

ISBoxer is able to run a few accounts, but desync is horrible - for me it was impossible to run multiple accounts in a proper way.

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as far as I know there is no even one multiboxing software, that really works with poe.

ISBoxer is able to run a few accounts, but desync is horrible - for me it was impossible to run multiple accounts in a proper way.

I just thought I saw somewhere that they supported multiboxing, and I'm pretty sure I've seen people doing it in the list of twitch streams on their homepage

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as far as I know there is no even one multiboxing software, that really works with poe.

ISBoxer is able to run a few accounts, but desync is horrible - for me it was impossible to run multiple accounts in a proper way.

I just thought I saw somewhere that they supported multiboxing, and I'm pretty sure I've seen people doing it in the list of twitch streams on their homepage

Nope, they don't support multiboxing. In closed beta it was a murky grey area that was just ignored (People openly admitted to multiboxing in the forums) however since the release of open beta it has been confirmed by GGG staff that they will take action on anyone using software to assist in the control of multiple accounts eg. ISBoxer, synergy, any software mouse/keyboard broadcast software.

One could argue that what is being done with hardware is possible to do with hardware (strapping 6 mice together with some dowle as was done in EVE online) However I doubt they are really all that interested in multiboxers due to the increasing difficulty of running more than one character at a time. Just dont post on the offical forums asking for support with ISBoxer issues and you should be fine.

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what about running 2 poe clients on the same pc at the same time.

1 highlvl char and one crap char. and then just switch clients to clean low quests faster?

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I run two PoE clients from the same IP address. I do not use any vpn's etc. However, I run them in a way that emulates human behavior (tries to use town portal or waypoint whenever possible, pause bot for an hour during lunch time, and never trade directly - drop items on ground and then pick them up using other player). Also, I never bot 24x7 - I only bot during the "business hours" (9am-5pm with one hour break in between). And I never leave the bot unattended - I always keep an eye on it. So far, so good - let's see if and when I get the banhammer!

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meh tuh. Banned this morning on both accounts. Naturally, I deserved it. Had that sucka running a loooooong time. I recommend an update requiring an automatic logoff after a certain time within a 24 hour period, regardless of what the botters want. I'm sure they prefer not to be banned more than being limited on how long they use it. Of course a little self control wouldn't hurt either ;)

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still not sure if time is the problem.

as it seems the ppl get banned if theyr using 2 accounts at the same time.

but still +1 to some kind of time limited/random pausing bot settings.

definitely needed at some state when ggg starts to implement more bot detection.

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but still +1 to some kind of time limited/random pausing bot settings.

definitely needed at some state when ggg starts to implement more bot detection.

I agree.

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I had 5 vms running, all with a different IP via vpn. 3/5 banned after running for 8 hours, first day. I now have almost 15 accounts banned. Some of my friends who are only running 1 bot for a few hours a day have also been banned. Here are some conclusion / clarifications:

They don't look at currency transfers. If you're main account got banned, it was because of sharing an IP with your bot accounts. If they tracked currency, nobody would get their account back from support. Especially not me :mrgreen:

You can toss the currency over D2 style, if you really think that is smarter than using trade, a channel which legit players use. How many legit players are throwing currency on the ground? Anyway, they DONT look at currency.

Running multiple bots on the same IP CAN make it easier for them to catch you, but the bot's behavior is really the problem. When I had 5 bots on 1 IP, they got all of them at once. 5 bots on 5 different IPs, they got 3/5 same day.

Over-leveling MAY be an issue as well. If the bot could do quests and progress, like many D3 bots, it would appear most humanistic.

I agree with many people in this forum. The bot needs to stop hammering the login and use portal scrolls. If no scroll, run back to wp. The bot also needs to be configurable to "humanize" it's running, providing options for timed breaks, timed mini (piss) breaks, and run quests.

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Same as many of you I got banned this morning, main and bot account since I have been on both from work. A few of us bot from my work...including me obviously. Everyone I have checked so far is banned. I have requested a review to re-enable. Has anyone had any luck today getting their ban waved from this mornings bans?

**Update: Main account is back in business. Bot account was denied reactivation...I guess I can call that a victory since I hadn't invested heavily yet into my bot! :D

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The bot needs to stop hammering the login and use portal scrolls. If no scroll, run back to wp. The bot also needs to be configurable to "humanize" it's running, providing options for timed breaks, timed mini (piss) breaks, and run quests.

Couldn't agree more.

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not just banned.. IP banned. heads up.

And that is why you use a VPN :D

Most people using VPN got Ipbanned and account banned to, what you are saying is irrelevant!

They automaticly IP ban because they are trying to get rid of all the Chinese farmers (as what i could read on the forums) Once they will understand this is not helping/doing any good they will do as every other game and stop Ip Banning. (Also it appears that they ban Ip ranges, if they get lets say 10++ bot in the range 60.111.140.xxx they might ban ( > But thats not proven yet. Using a known free vpn will flag you faster than anything.

And again I got all my accounts unbanned, they CANNOT DETECT THE BOT BUT they can detect strange behavior which gets you automatically IP ban + Account banned.

As said before, botting 12h ++ /day MIGHT be a part of how they catch most of us and Tons of connect/disconnect MIGHT to.

I've had 2 bot that haven't been banned yet.

Maximum play time : 4h/day (4-8 can'T really say exactly)

All different Mac Address : All the same host IP (on which i got 5 accounts banned / unbanned)

Different Windows System Names (might be relevant) (also when cloning your machines, make sure to do a sysprep[google it])

Once again i am sharing informations that i think are common sense because, until someone that works at GGG comes here and explain us how they detect strange behavior, i don't think anyone can make a sure point on how people got banned but one sure thing is that the bot IS NOT DETECTABLE.

Oh and please, don't run the bot on the accounts they unbanned you ... that just ... well don't do it!

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I LMFAO everytime I read this being banned is just a part of the game we play I CHEAT and will be caught but untill then im makeing the most of it.

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The bot needs to stop hammering the login and use portal scrolls. If no scroll, run back to wp. The bot also needs to be configurable to "humanize" it's running, providing options for timed breaks, timed mini (piss) breaks, and run quests.

Couldn't agree more.


Nice to see the big boss is on top of this!

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I LMFAO everytime I read this being banned is just a part of the game we play I CHEAT and will be caught but untill then im makeing the most of it.

What's so funny? Sure getting banned is part of botting. So people want to figure how to play the botting game better and reduce the chance of banning.

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its funny because everyone "knows" why were being banned and everyone's opinion is different and no one really knows why but yet everyone wants to tell others what to and not to do. ofc i dont want to get banned either but im not going to tell you what you NEED to or NEED NOT to do in order not to be banned.

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well they finally got one of my 24/7 bots about 3 months after he started running non stop. first they banned my account then they also banned my ip but got a new ip in 10 min and am back running again :P

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well they finally got one of my 24/7 bots about 3 months after he started running non stop. first they banned my account then they also banned my ip but got a new ip in 10 min and am back running again :P

Do you transfer stuff from your botting account to another account and that other account was not banned?

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