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Bot pushing on chat and getting stuck

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I've noticed that in the last few days I've been getting my bot stuck in the same place - after looting full inventory / finishing the map, the bot ports to A3 and tries to go to clarissa to sell. Sometimes he pushes so far to the left, that he activates the chat and then gets stuck, because he is trying to move and is pushing LMB on a chat window. The bot will continue to stand like this for the rest of the run duration, until he has to log out...


Have You guys had anything like this happen to You and maybe figured out a way to work around this issue?


PS. All chat channels are off.

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Actually I'm gonna release it in 0.56f, we'll see if people complain or not. If they do I'll try to improve the system or I'll revert it.

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If you ever start working on a better way to "scroll down", can you also make the bot scroll down the "enter instance" menu when there are too many "enter" buttons? This is some inconvenient UI design by GGG.

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