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2.1 Cheapest and most effective build for bot

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Hello guys, i started to bot with exiled bot, just when talisman league started. And want to ask you, is there some best builds and strategies for this builds to farm currency effective for RMT?

I make ice crush mrauder with 2h staff, and can farm just t1-t3 maps.

My mrauder makes 1-1.5 exalted\day. and i think it's a bad result.

I can make it stronger, but need to buy some expensive gear for it.
Is anybody know build, that absolutley cheap, and farm effective? So i can make 5 characters, and  farm wel.

Maybe you can share your builds and farming strategies, or give me advice for farming better? ;)


Thanks 4 answer <3

Edited by krambaro

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since u got money on ur mind, u might understand that ppl that make money keep their strategy secret.



basicly its not difficult to make lots of currency:

- as many bots as possible

- most possible loot: clearspeed, iiq, movement speed, dont die!

- a smart pickit


how u handle these tasks, is up to u. 


i run bladefall, blade vortex, ice crash, infernal blow.... in the end everything works fine.


aim for armour based builds, then u can make most use of flasks (life flasks op).


check official poe forum builds list and use ur knowledge on botting/poe to make some sweet builds ;)


hope that helps u a little.

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Thnx for tips, i make 3 mrauders using ice crash, according to this build : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
The only things need to make my bots farm well is hegemony's era, costs 1 ex each, at talisman softcore.

Life flasks rocks, two weeks of farming ~~ 100 deaths.
I just put my bots farming all maps tier 1-8. Trying to farm Voll 3 days, but no even 1 Brittle emperor card.
So better for me is only farming normal maps, and make currency from expencive cards (like crypt Celestial Justicar) and uniques. 3 bots 14 days = 4 pure exalted orbs drop.

But all my builds has no IIQ IIR.
Now i trying looking for build, to make maximum IIQ character at talisman softcore.


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