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strange ban today

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I been botting for awhile on a old account almost non-stop no ban, recently I been botting 2 accounts, the new account got banned along with my ip address and the old accound isn't banned but I cant use it because the ip ban..... I started botting the new account 2 days ago, so they banned it fast, dunno why my old 1 never got banned.

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was the new account's email account verified ?

different computers, and actually... I dunno if the account was verified, I think i never got he email from then and i never clicked the link to verify, they ban for that??

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Chris have stated that the way they target botters is to target and identify them before they reach lv25 and are able to trade.

^ thats absolutely nonsense.

since otherwise u could just run any higher lvl char with alot less risk.

the conclusion would be, that there will be more and more botting chars which are not getting checked.

(this idea only works if GGG would be able to catch ANY botter before reaching 25.)

the lvl 25 thingy has been done by GGG to prevent new accounts to trade immediatly. since most of the botting companies are botting act1 normal merveil i think. or maybe new char making and act1 normal brutus botting. whatever: it takes them some time to get 25+ on one of their chars on a new account in those areas.

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Chris have stated that the way they target botters is to target and identify them before they reach lv25 and are able to trade.

^ thats absolutely nonsense.

since otherwise u could just run any higher lvl char with alot less risk.

the conclusion would be, that there will be more and more botting chars which are not getting checked.

(this idea only works if GGG would be able to catch ANY botter before reaching 25.)

the lvl 25 thingy has been done by GGG to prevent new accounts to trade immediatly. since most of the botting companies are botting act1 normal merveil i think. or maybe new char making and act1 normal brutus botting. whatever: it takes them some time to get 25+ on one of their chars on a new account in those areas.

Actually not nonsense, he did state this on reddit a while ago. I believe that they just monitor the activity of new accounts reaching lvl 25 for bot like qualities and wave ban hammers over those that are chinese RMT bots (think thousands of accounts a day, not two or three)

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we all know chris isnt an idiot.

he wouldnt actually tell anyone how their system against bots works.

^he also stated this somewhere if i remember correctly.

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