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new to path of exile

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I'm coming from a diablo 3 background and I'm pretty new to PoE, wanting to clear some things up.


What does it mean by "League" when I create an account? Is that like seasons in d3? If so, how often is a new league made before that league is merged to the standard league (I assume it follows the same rule as d3). I had an account made last month or so in a new league and after logging in today (haven't logged in ages) I noticed that its now in a 'standard league'.



Any specific differences between the leagues apart from players starting afresh?



The new announcement of 'Talisman league' is that a new season like all the previous ones or is that a new game mode?


Sorry for the noobish questions, just somethings I dont understand and wanted to clear it up ^^

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The new leagues are generally named and come in seasons, right now it's Talisman league. Leagues work a tiny bit differently.

For example in hardcore talisman if you die your character will get moved to standard normal league. Same thing if they die in standard hardcore league, they get converted to normal standard.

Anyway Talisman is a new ladder season essentially and will expire in X amount of time. In which case all Talisman characters get converted to standard league.

Edited by BakedCorn

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