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Looting "cast speed" items

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Anyone can help me edit my picklist to make the boot stash the cast speed items? 

I've tried this, but nothing seems to work:


[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Driftwood Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Engraved Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Goat's Horn" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Imbued Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Opal Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Prophecy Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Sage Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Spiraled Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Tornado Wand" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [cast_speed_+%] >= "5" && [stashItem] == "true"
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: this might be on wrong section :/
Edited by syncmaster

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Can you do the following :

1) Take an item with cast speed mod in your inventory

2) Open the bot, Start it, pause it

3) Press F7

4) Open dump.log from Log folder

5) Find the item in dump.log and copy paste whole block here

6) Copy paste the item from game here



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[dump] -> Item Imprint

[dump] -> Short name : Foul Staff

[dump] -> Type : Metadata/Items/Weapons/TwoHandWeapons/Staves/Staff13

[dump] -> Category : 2

[dump] -> Item Level : 66

[dump] -> Local Armor : 0

[dump] -> Computed Armor : 0.000000

[dump] -> Local Evasion : 0

[dump] -> Computed Evasion : 0.000000

[dump] -> Local Energy Shield : 0

[dump] -> Computed Energy Shield : 0.000000

[dump] -> Rarity : 1

[dump] -> Quality : 20

[dump] -> Stack : 1

[dump] -> Sockets : B B G B R R 

[dump] -> Max linked sockets : 5


[dump] -> Item identified

[dump] -> MODS

[dump] -> Mod index : 220, Value : 10

[dump] -> Mod index : 414, Value : 12

[dump] -> Mod index : 522, Value : 1

[dump] -> 

Elemental Resistance Score : 0

[dump] -> DPS : 98.750000

[dump] -> Physical DPS : 98.750000

[dump] -> Elemental DPS : 0.000000

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