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v0.53H - Clicking/Moving to the upper-right corner of the screen

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Not sure if this is just me or if other are experiencing this but I downloaded and configured v0.53H this morning and now when i run it on any of my machines it is running/clicking in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.  It will work fine for 10-15 seconds and then do that.  Then after 1-2 seconds, it goes back to running fine.  If the inventory screen is open it will actually click and unequip whatever is in the right weapon slot.


Anyone seen this yet or know if it is configuration as opposed to a bug?  Nothing has changed on my end over the past several versions but it started on this version.  Thanks!

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I have almost same problem. Ok my bot dont even use waypoint (he click on wp,  he chose area) but after that he move to bot right corner. And he also try to sell my off hand shield all the time.


Have a nice day


by Diablo

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To further add to this, when attempting to sell the bot may also click in the upper-right corner and 'pick up' my shield.  This then causes the bot to not be able to sell any of the items in my inventory.  I can produce screen shots later today if this helps.  This means that I am not able to bot on any machine with any of the keys that I have until a resolution is found.  Hopefully someone can shed some light on this soon.

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Same problem here.


Edit: Bot actually tries to level gems while there is no gem to level. Unchecking automatic gems leveling fixes the problem. Maybe the bot detects CWDT gems you don't want to level.

Edited by Meleos

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Mine is clicking lower right corner. It doesnt attempt to run any areas I select, doesnt try the wp, just immediately and repeatedly clicks lower right corner.

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