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Inventory Database App - db admins please read

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^^ this works well, and pulls the inventory data to a sqlite3 database.

Simple query outputs this


Armourer's Scrap 29/40

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Blacksmith's Whetstone 9/20

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Chaos Orb 2/10

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Being the front-end developer I am, I could use a bit of help with the php/sql part. E.g. I'd like to remove the "/20" from the stacks, so they can be calculated for totals. Also, the source at the link above could use a little work. It could be streamlined to only view character inventory items. User account sessions vs the current hard coded poe credentials, etc. Basically stripping it down / cleanup for our cause.

If someone will work with me on this back-end stuff, here is what I plan to do.

Build out the user interface using jqueryui

Integrate notifications for big item drops

charting / graphs

Theme all item/orb items with images

Android / iOS unofficial release (apk/app)

PM me if you'd like to get involved.


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Hey Boss,

I'm not sure how exactly this could integrate, but if I can get this thing working well we will certainly talk. The issue with integrating this with the bot is that, when the bot is running, you can't really interrupt it. Also, this tool will support multiple bots, making it difficult to integrate into the GUI, which supports 1 bot.

Not sure yet, but I'm guessing this will be a web-hosted application. My approach will use the link above (thanks okostibi), and attempt to parse the feed appropriately to a database, then render it out nicely. I'm open to the idea of handing this off when complete, to be hosted at exiled-bot.

The link above (okostibi) returns JSON - GREAT!

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You could still monitor several accounts, and in the gui filter it by account name, that way you could just send an sms or email, when a particular item dropped(you know, to save it before it gets banned or whatever). Everything that poe site returns is json I believe.

You need to make your own parser, to only pull the data that you care about, and store it in a real database(sqlite is not my favorite).

If you need help with that, give me a pm

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Hey Boss,

I'm not sure how exactly this could integrate, but if I can get this thing working well we will certainly talk. The issue with integrating this with the bot is that, when the bot is running, you can't really interrupt it. Also, this tool will support multiple bots, making it difficult to integrate into the GUI, which supports 1 bot.

Not sure yet, but I'm guessing this will be a web-hosted application. My approach will use the link above (thanks okostibi), and attempt to parse the feed appropriately to a database, then render it out nicely. I'm open to the idea of handing this off when complete, to be hosted at exiled-bot.

The link above (okostibi) returns JSON - GREAT!

Okay, no problem for hosting it on exiled-bot once it's ready.

BTW I'm sure we'll find plenty of way to interface your work and the bot in the future!!

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