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0.53b A few bugs

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Hello Alk, 


Good day to you. I wanted to take a moment to jot down a few bugs I have noticed with the 0.53b build.


  • Key to press on fail chest opening: This function doesn't appear to be working at all anymore. I am having the bot open all chests and breakable objects because I am always worried that I will miss that exalt in a crate. However, the bot commonly gets stuck trying to open a breakable chest and will not activate the key I have assigned. This feature has always worked in previous versions, so this is a recent change.
  • TCP Drop Chicken Method: This also appears to be malfunctioning because I have taken several deaths due to the bot not chickening. I have used an AutoPot script that chickens via the same method and it works superbly so I am assuming it is not a problem with Cports but with the bot using it correctly. I currently use the Esc & Click method and it works just fine, if not quite fast enough in this day and age of massive enemy DPS.
  • Idle In Town: The other forms of idle work just fine, but when set to idle in town the bot just keeps on going. The idle timer says that it is waiting to be in town/hideout but never actually activates the idle. 

These are the three I have at the moment and I will add to this list if I come across anything else.

Edited by XeroKill

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