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0.53b bot goes back to portal unnecessarily

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Common thing that keeps happening is the bot's inventory becomes half full and he either explores enough % of the map or get's stuck for long enough to make a portal, then goes to sell the few items he has and comes back through the portal only to make another portal very shortly after. I assume its trying to confirm that no items were missed even though his inventory was not even full when he left.


Honestly I don't really need this feature to begin with, is there a way for me to disable it entirely and just force the bot to make a new instance every time after TP to town?

Edited by Rooroosh

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It is funny because the community has been begging for this feature for a long time, and now that we have it, a lot of people are complaining about it. It would be nice to have it as an option, for those of us that are not as concerned with absolute efficiency over missing GG items. Personally, I am thrilled with the feature and look forward to seeing it refined, as there are issues with it. 

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I need more detailed infos about issue that you are facing, to be able to fix the feature (ie. ways to reproduce, logs, context, guess, ...).

The new 0.53c version has an option to reset instance on each tp to town.

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It is funny because the community has been begging for this feature for a long time, and now that we have it, a lot of people are complaining about it. It would be nice to have it as an option, for those of us that are not as concerned with absolute efficiency over missing GG items. Personally, I am thrilled with the feature and look forward to seeing it refined, as there are issues with it.

It is a great feature, it's just that with my specific setup it is unnecessary and seeing as there are currently a few minor issues with it, I'd rather not use it at all for now.



I need more detailed infos about issue that you are facing, to be able to fix the feature (ie. ways to reproduce, logs, context, guess, ...).

The new 0.53c version has an option to reset instance on each tp to town.

Sorry for being unspecific, but it doesn't happen all the time so it might not be easy to reproduce. I'll keep an eye on it and see if I notice a pattern.

Edited by Rooroosh

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tho it isn't a bug, you just didn't like the feature? assuming the 2nd time is the tp where the bot finished the instance and goes on to make a new instance.


is this was happened or is it really a "bug" with the new feature ?


bot cleaned 80 % of the instance, and thinks he is full. goes to town, sells his things, cleaning the rest of the % (depends what you have chosen as max %)

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tho it isn't a bug, you just didn't like the feature? assuming the 2nd time is the tp where the bot finished the instance and goes on to make a new instance.


is this was happened or is it really a "bug" with the new feature ?


bot cleaned 80 % of the instance, and thinks he is full. goes to town, sells his things, cleaning the rest of the % (depends what you have chosen as max %)


I don't understand what you mean. The problem I saw was that the bot sometimes goes to town (NOT full inventory) maybe due to idle too long or enough map% explored, then sells/stashes what he has, but now instead of making a new instance he goes back to the portal only to immediately create a new portal and go back to town. Now he makes a new instance and continues as normal but he just wasted some time and a portal scroll (oh no!)


I didn't babysit the bot today so I didn't catch him doing any instant portals. My current theory is that the idle portal is at fault. By design If the bot idles for too long he will make a portal and always go back through the portal to finish the map to the set % which is ok, although I would prefer it if he made a new instance instead. Maybe it just so happened that when he was <1% off from reaching the map exploration he also hit the idle timer (mine is quite low) and so he went back through the portal thinking that idle was the trigger, then went back took a step, hit the map % limit and made a portal back. It happened a few times yesterday though, maybe just multiple big coincidences?

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there are 2 options: the idle option is leaving if no monster is killed for that amount of time. or the max run time, he just stays for that amount in the zone. if he exceed that time -> out.

logically the max run time should be slighter higher than the amount of time for ~ 1 full run. should never be lower ofc.


if it wasn't the max run time / idle option:


if the bot goes to town to id/sell stuff, the inventory was "full" in the eyes of the bot. your main complain is that he was going to town, with plenty of inventory space, right?


alk can probably comment on this, in what way the bot recognize a full inventory.

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