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Totally freezes and cant do anything except restarting vmware

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Hi guys,

this happens like once every 2-6 hours. The entire VMware freezes and I have to restart it and start the stuff again to get it running. Anyone knows what can cause it? Let me know if you need more info to determine what it could be. My vmware is workstation 10 with windows 7 on it. 




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nvidia card?


my guess is a graphic card issue.


solution: change/update driver or try a different card (if possible) to see if this could be the issue.

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Yep It's Nvidia card :s

its updated fully.


Heisenburger, bad info. I bot just fine 80+ lvls. Never got a single ban

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Good for you. My info's based only on what happened to me and my friends. We've always used VM+VPS, and we could never last more than 1 month after reaching lvl 90+. Best of luck to you.

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Classic vmware bug, best fix is to increase VM's available memory. I put like 4 to 6Gb and it never happens.

But when I put only 1.5GB or 2GB I remember it happening quite frequently, both with PoE and D3.

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While you're at it, also try assigning 2 cores to your VM and increasing the pagefile size in your virtual os (optimal size depends on your hardware). I rarely froze after that.

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u need an better vm setup.... i have the Nvidia gtx 670 and i7cpu


I know this prob on my self and after 3-4 months of testing i have fix my prob

now i can run 10+ vm`s with 2 gb of ram and no one freez (yes.... i still love my Nvidia-Card XD)

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nvidia card?


my guess is a graphic card issue.


solution: change/update driver or try a different card (if possible) to see if this could be the issue.

not to 100% ...im sure its to 40%nvidia and 60% i/o prob

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Yeah, more cpu and pagefile are a good idea as well.

BTW what happened with your reputation marci ?? You are like the first person with negative reputation I notice :D

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Good for you. My info's based only on what happened to me and my friends. We've always used VM+VPS, and we could never last more than 1 month after reaching lvl 90+. Best of luck to you.


You are probably using public vpn and didint change your hardware id


Yeah, more cpu and pagefile are a good idea as well.

BTW what happened with your reputation marci ?? You are like the first person with negative reputation I notice :D


 LOL just noticed how is it even possible

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You are probably using public vpn and didint change your hardware id


We used either vps or multiple ISP accounts and read papers on vm stealth. All failed. Maybe some pro out there knows how to do it right, but we've never seen anyone last 1 month+ past lvl90+ in a vm. 

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While you're at it, also try assigning 2 cores to your VM and increasing the pagefile size in your virtual os (optimal size depends on your hardware). I rarely froze after that.

How do I edit the pagefile size? thx for your time and effort.



u need an better vm setup.... i have the Nvidia gtx 670 and i7cpu


I know this prob on my self and after 3-4 months of testing i have fix my prob

now i can run 10+ vm`s with 2 gb of ram and no one freez (yes.... i still love my Nvidia-Card XD)

How would I get a better vm setup? I run Nvidia 1gb and I5 cpu 3.4 ghz with 6gb ram for the vmware. Feel free to share your ideas on how to fix it. :o 



Yeah, more cpu and pagefile are a good idea as well.

BTW what happened with your reputation marci ?? You are like the first person with negative reputation I notice :D

I have no idea how I got the minus rep. You should edit it away man :D 

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Found out the pagefile size, edited it to 6000 now. I'll put it for a spin.

Added 2 cores instead of 1 as-well. I will report back in some hours :) 

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