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[Type] == "The Lich" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "The Cartographer" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "The Aesthete" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Merciless Armament " # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Last Hope" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Hunter's Reward" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Hubris" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Bowyer's Dream" # [stashItem] == "true"

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They need to be added to default pickit or they aren't in the game yet ?


not yet and no ETA when will they come in




[Type] == "The Lich" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "The Cartographer" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "The Aesthete" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Merciless Armament " # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Last Hope" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Hunter's Reward" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Hubris" # [stashItem] == "true"

[Type] == "Bowyer's Dream" # [stashItem] == "true"

thank you :)

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The 8 new cards for the 2.0.5 patch

[Type] == "Volatile Power" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "The Thaumaturgist" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "The Surveyor" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "The Surgeon" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "The Fletcher" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "The Enlightened" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Blind Venture" # [stashItem] == "true"
[Type] == "Anarchy's Price" # [stashItem] == "true"

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