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0.52H Map Goes to eternal lab instead of hideout.

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As i mentioned in the previous version (0.52G, when i enable hideout it still uses the eternal lab instead of hideout. i thought it was gonna be fixed in this version ? in 0.52F everything worked fine. 


I still have all same settings as always, and the problem is not only when i start from act 4, it doesn't matter what act i start at. someone mentioned disabling corrupted area, reset map on master arene and activate shrine. i disabled all of it and still it goes to eternal lab. this means im missing free 8% quantity.I hope there is a solution for this and not a workaround. 

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Just tested, indeed if you start from act 4 it will go to eternal laboratory, but if you start from a different act than act 4, it will work 100%.

So for now don't start the bot from act 4 if you want to run map from hideout.

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Just tested, indeed if you start from act 4 it will go to eternal laboratory, but if you start from a different act than act 4, it will work 100%.

So for now don't start the bot from act 4 if you want to run map from hideout.


For me it still happens in other acts. i start in act 3, 2, 1 it still goes to eternal lab. 

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doesnt work for me


set the bot to only have merc act 2 unlocked. go to act 2. start bot. bot does and grabs map. tries to go to laboratory again

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