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52d bot changes to custom resolution

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Since a few versions ago the bot has started rescaling the client to a custom resolution, but fails to run properly as if it believes it's running some other resolution. I've tried other resolutions but it always get stuck somewhere, usually trying to sell/identify items and failing to click them in the inventory.

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it's not a bug, bot requires 800x600 resolution .

The thing is that i have the cliient running in 800x600 resolution, but the bot changes the resolution to a weird custom resolution when i start it. If I pause the bot i can change it back to 800x600 resolution, but it still doesn't function properly.

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To people who does still experience same situation ,Since i have same problem i got some temporary solution. First thing it happens on my main computer which has 64 bit win10 . Second thing is it doesn't happen if i try and find true program to attach bot and it is the only solution. Like i have atnotes, which you can easily download by google it,when i attach bot to atnotes it does change resolution to custom like 982x703 but when i attach it to acuistion it does not change and work well . But with the acuistion bot doesn't work well with the farming stuff. It stops regularly and it doesn't kill Voll , it doesn't farm all map kind a stuff but i am pretty sure that this problems about the program you've attached your bot. Choose well mates ! ^^ 

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