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New Location Unlock Code workaround?

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The bot runs for a few hours, but then my VPN changes its IP so when I chicken it logs out.  I don't have the greatest gear so I tend to chicken about 50% of the time.  I only see a few solutions


1.  Is there a way to change it to chicken to the char selection screen? 

2.  Make my char un-killable which isn't a option ATM.


I've searched the threads as I thought this issue would be more common, but saw some idea on changing the config files but must be old because would not find it.


I've also posted in the shoutbox asking for any ideas.


Thanks in advance for a clear response.



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i dont chicken, i simply let them die...


what about next solutions:


3. farm areas where u dont need to chicken. then gear up


4. start a new char that fits ur bankroll, some melee maxblock stuff e.g. get rich and then go on with ur other char

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; Offsets used for any click on menu or UI

editing this should work

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Thanks for the response.  I did figure I could always farm a easier area, but at level 82 with a 6 link hedemoy, 5 link belly with lvl 19 ice crash figure I could farm dried lake with dying but not the case.  Other gear is actually pretty good also with over capped resists and can farm maps if I play manully.  I'm trying to get to 90 so don't want it die so will try working with the coordinates file. 

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Thanks for the response.  I did figure I could always farm a easier area, but at level 82 with a 6 link hedemoy, 5 link belly with lvl 19 ice crash figure I could farm dried lake with dying but not the case.  Other gear is actually pretty good also with over capped resists and can farm maps if I play manully.  I'm trying to get to 90 so don't want it die so will try working with the coordinates file. 

well, the only hurdle to farm dried lake is not getting trashed by voll (smash/charge attack). tho yeah, unless you down him in a matter of seconds, you probably have to survive his attacks. with a 6l hege you should already do enough dam. maybe it is wise to go more defensive on the rest of ur build, like swapping out a herald with arctic armor, using the dam red golem etc. pp

Edited by stef

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