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0.52 vpn latency is a problem to bot sometime

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Hi all,

Sometimes I found some used gear or flask on stash, or even worse, bot trying sell(mine sell 2 or 3 good flask btw and almost sell a fcking good belt....lol) or destroy your gear/flask.

Well, I think this issue is about latency of vpn.

Unfortunately, in my country I dont have a fast vpn and the better latency I can get is about 250-300 ms. That is good almost the time, but sometimes this latency have spikes(between 300-1500 for exemple) and in this time bot do a lot of miss click, especially if he is in town, and the shit happens.


I want know if we have some feature to bot try click(or do something) after x ms. If not, can bot be fixed to detect if screen is right to his click?


Ty a lot guys and I know, english sucks here :D



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0 chance imo, no bot will ever be able to cope with such massive lag in a proper way. also there are some delay in the ini files you could edit.

on such a ping you would freak out playing manually. tho not sure how a bot should do it. botting on such ping is a complete waste imo.


if the latency wouldn't be so high, trying to bot with lockstep would worth a try to prevent desynch.


but latency spikes up to 1500, either your vpn provider isn't very good (hopefully you dont pay a fortune for it) or you are using free trash, which no one would ever recommend that have experience on botting + poe ;)

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0 chance imo, no bot will ever be able to cope with such massive lag in a proper way. also there are some delay in the ini files you could edit.

on such a ping you would freak out playing manually. tho not sure how a bot should do it. botting on such ping is a complete waste imo.


if the latency wouldn't be so high, trying to bot with lockstep would worth a try to prevent desynch.


but latency spikes up to 1500, either your vpn provider isn't very good (hopefully you dont pay a fortune for it) or you are using free trash, which no one would ever recommend that have experience on botting + poe ;)

Ty for the answer and good explanations.

Well, my vpn works fine, but from my country, the common delay is about 150ms, so add vpn delay from europe, for example, and you will have around 300. That spikes is not common, but if happens on town can destroy my gear lol.

Now, after your told me about ini files, I change some delays and move_distance too, and seens works well :)

ty a lot

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Did u make ur own vpn? I a have awesome connection compared to urs. But then i run openvpn i get spikes with 1500 aswell. When i make them pptp its all good. So for me openvpn<pptp. Maybe its just a protocol issue for u aswell

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