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Help with Ranger build please.

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Hi I've been searching forums for a good ranger build. Was wondering what shot to use like tornado or ice etc which ranges and kiting. also what other skills i should put in Q W E R T also left and right mouse buttons. I have a decent build but seem to die a lot and when i use kiting i seem to get stuck on stuff or run away from mobs. Also best places to farm gear and get my guy ready for maps. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

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Split arrow or lightning arrow works well. In my experience you will need tons of life leech, as much life as possible, and use defensive auras (arctic armor and grace) as well as some gear with evasion. As much dps on your bow as possible to minimize down time. Set one skill for best results. Running multiple skills (La and Barrage for example) tends to make the bot delay which will get you killed. Ranged is not the best option for low budget bottling.

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