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Several noobish questions. XD

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I'm a new poe player on garena th. Warbands and tempest will be started on this 27th with the upcoming 2.0 patch


My question is should I bot on standard, hardcore, warbands or tempest league? Which one is the most profitable for botting?


Also, they are offering prize around 100 usd for the first 5 players to kill Malachai on merciless in tempest and warbands leagues. My question is what class and build should I play on these fresh servers? And kill the boss as fast as I can with absolutely no knowledge about the game at all?


Thank you!!


My last question, is pure dps build in this game feasible? What if I don't invest on life nodes, evasion or the resistant?


Will I be able to farm with lightning speed without dying?


Thanks and looking forward for the helpful suggestions!!!



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My question is should I bot on standard, hardcore, warbands or tempest league? Which one is the most profitable for botting?

from the orb prices its obviously tempest > warbands > hc > standard. but needless to say, that is also the order of difficulty. on a league start you begin with 0 stuff. usually you have gear already for standard. wouldn't really recommend hc/tempest for a new player. not even playing manually tbh


Also, they are offering prize around 100 usd for the first 5 players to kill Malachai on merciless in tempest and warbands leagues. My question is what class and build should I play on these fresh servers? And kill the boss as fast as I can with absolutely no knowledge about the game at all?

forgot about that, you won't even be close to the top 5. don't worry about that.


My last question, is pure dps build in this game feasible? What if I don't invest on life nodes, evasion or the resistant?


Will I be able to farm with lightning speed without dying?

glasscannon is the term you are looking for, obviously not recommended for botting. but for playing manually, these type of builds exist of course.

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