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the black hole that will destroy the earth

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Very interesting, however, black holes, if they do happen with the large collider, would be tiny and die off nearly instantly.

Most importantly though (if the information stays, then there is no "dimension of which we can communicate with):

"The way the information gets out [of a black hole] seems to be that a true event horizon never forms," said Hawking, "just an apparent horizon."  Hawking also dismisses his previous suggestion that the information might have leaked into a different "Baby" universe. "The information remains firmly in our universe," he told the conference. "I am sorry to disappoint science fiction fans, but if information is preserved, there is no possibility of using black holes to travel to other universes. If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognisable state."

-Steven Hawking.
Source:  http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2004/jul/22/hawking-loses-black-hole-bet

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