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Exiled-bot and Automation.

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So the overall goal here is to automate running the bot as much as possible via PowerShell.


1st request: And its probably already been requested is a place to supply the bot a password for your account. Not every one runs on those expensive static IPs.


2nd request: An easy way to start exilebot.exe that will click the "Start Button" for you. Like from a command prompt run exilebot.exe -autostart.



Once I have a prototype script ill be posting it in the elite section.



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If you don't have a static ip, you also have to get the unlock code from your email. Just implementing to type the password doesn't help much.



Ehm, if you have coding experience. There was once a tool called autopoe (credits to BlackSun, who created the gui of this bot)) of this bot. Its written in autoit & the entire source code is released as well. Obviously its outdated, but would guess large parts of the code is still working.


  - Can handle username and password (if needed to retype)

  - Can handle e-mail vertification (non SSL e-mail server needed, like mail.aol.com, SSL servers will not work




Edited by stef

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This task, however, is much easier since you already have something similar included to the bot:


Command Line Arguments added to the injector:
Will inject the bot to the give process. Allways checked first, process name can have spaces, but then must be quoted like so: --attach:"Some Process.exe"
This is for sure the best method!
Will inject the bot to itself (aka: Normal mode). Checked last, can be combined with --attach to auto inject self if --attach fails


Where do you got this information, is this public? I was looking for such a list of commands some weeks ago but found nothing by search and had to code really crapy au3 stuff to do the mouseclicks instead of a clean automation :S

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take a look here.

I have 0 coding experience, please help me to make something as simple as  SendMessage, 0xB772,,,, 'Windows Name of the Bot', where the bot is started as normal mode.

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Preview for PowerShell automation. This is pre-alpha just a few ideas.


### Start PathofExile.exe ########
$PoeShortcutLocation = "$env:USERPROFILE\desktop\Path of Exile.lnk"
Start-Process $PoeShortcutLocation
### Start ExileBot. #######
$ExileBotEXE = Get-ChildItem Z:\ExileBotFolder | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*.exe"} | Select -ExpandProperty Name
$Arguments = "--attach:someprogram.exe"
Start-Process "Z:\ExileBotFolder\$ExileBotEXE" $Arguments -Verb Runas
Here is the AHK for using auto login. Save below as a .ahk
WinWait, Path of Exile, 
IfWinNotActive, Path of Exile, , WinActivate, Path of Exile, 
WinWaitActive, Path of Exile, 
Send, {TAB}
Sleep, 100
Send, {TAB}
Sleep, 100
Send, YourPassword
Sleep, 100
Send, {ENTER}
Edited by exilenoob

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SendMessage, 0xB772,,,, 'Windows Name of the Bot'

I cant get this to work, please help me out, am using autoit


Edited by exilenoob

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that should help:


Run C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe

Sleep 2000

Run BOTPATH --attach:notepad.exe

Sleep 3000

WinGetActiveTitle, windowname

sleep 1000

SendMessage, 0xB772,,,, %windowname%

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