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Iron Ring Converter

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Since there is nothing exciting happening on these forums these days, our folks are getting bored, and restless. Therefore I release this interesting tool for you.

This tool basically takes your iron rings and crap gems, and converts them into 30% resistance rings.

At this time, this conversion is semi-automatic, you still have to manually hover over each gem and press a key. I'll try to make it more sophisticated later.

To be on the safer side, use this on a naked character with no valuable items that could be lost.

How to use:

1) Path of Exile must be in 800x600 window mode.

2) Empty everything from your inventory first, and only keep iron rings and crap gems there.

3) Click a town vendor NPC, and click sell.

4) in the sell screen, place an iron ring on the first slot.

5) Make a new blank autohotkey script on your desktop by right clicking, click "new" and then choose "autohotkey script". Paste this into that script:

Clipboard = 
MouseGetPos, x1, y1
Send ^{click}
Sleep 150
MouseMove 65, 150
Sleep 700
Send ^c
Sleep 150
Loop, parse, clipboard
If Clipboard contains 30
;Msgbox, 30`% ring found`!
Click 80, 480
Sleep 200
MouseMove 410, 180
Click 60, 355
Sleep 250
MouseMove %x1%, %y1%
6) Now hover your mouse over any of the gems, and press the End key on the keyboard. It's near the home, PgUp, PgDown keys etc.

7) The script will place that gem in the vendor screen and check if it makes a 30% ring. If it doesn't, it'll take the gem back to your inventory.

8) If the last gem didn't make it to 30%, hover over the next gem and press End.

Keep repeating until you get all your iron rings converted to 30% resistance rings.

The converted rings have same level as iron rings, so make sure you use high level iron rings to begin with. Gems do not have an item level, so it doesn't matter where you found the gem. Green gems give lightning resistance rings, red gems give fire resistance rings, and blue gems give cold resistance. There is no vendor recipe to make chaos resistance rings at this time.

It's complicated, but crafters do this. That is how we get lovely rings in the world of Wraeclast!

Awaiting feedback.

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This is for crafters. If you're not a crafter, this script is useless for you.


Crafter need perfect item bases. For example, you have a white sapphire ring drop during a Lunaris run, but the ring only has 23% cold resistance. Crafters don't pick it up. But if the white sapphire ring has 30% cold resistance, that is valuable, because it is a perfect base. Iron rings are an exception here because they have a fixed attribute (1-4 physical damage). However as a crafter, I picked up all iron rings, and try to combine them with crap gems in an attempt to get more perfect base rings. I now have one tabful of perfect white base rings (30% cold res, 30% fire res, 30% lightning res etc). I can now continue crafting without ever stopping due to lack of rings.

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WHy would you craft rings below iLvl 75? Seems like a waste...

1) a bit off topic.

2) I agree that crafters would get a highest iLvl ring possible for crafting. However, look at the mods data here: http://www.pathofexile.com/item-data/suffixmod/order-by/level/order/asc. Most mods are available on iLvl 66. In certain cases, there is one higher mod than that, and the iLvl required for that varies from 72 to 79. So the arbitrary level of 75 you mentioned is very hard to explain - it's not based on data. If you do not have access to iLvl 79 rings, but do have something like 66 or higher, and have spare currency to craft, why not do it?

3) This tool lets you convert iron rings of "any" iLvl. It's still relevant.

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