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Combat: Setting up range gems

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Hey Team


I have a problem with the gem "Incinerate". The gem is a "mid range attack". I tried a lot of thinks in the "combat" tab, but I can't figure it out... :/


first problem (it's not really a problem, but the gem would be stronger if the bot does it right):


the gem is "channeling" gem - but the bot always clicks the spell multiple time, so the channeling effect doesn't work. It's not really a problem but it would be great if the bot channel the spell and not click it 100 times.


second problem:


this is the big problem - range! the bot starts to cast the gem even the mob is not in range. sometimes the bot get stucked and casting it forever and the range mob (bow / caster) kills me over time. I tried to set the "max / min range" thinks but I think it doesn't change anything at all.. :( it looks always the same..



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Set the skill on your right mouse button, max distance 30 and check the box "Maintain pressed key/mouse" in the combat tab.

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hey agna!


thanks a lot the "maintain" thing worked! great!

but the range is still a prob. max distance 30 doesn't help :( maybe in the general settings "Attack range - 60" is the prob? 

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Hi guys,


I'm having the exact same problem with incinerate.


The bot begin to cast it even with max distance set to 50.


I tried to modify values but nothing to do :/


Anyone found a solution or has a good incinerate set up ?

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