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v0.50j Constantly turned off (warehouse)

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This is weird, it doesn't happen for me.

Anybody have a proper way to reproduce ?

What does the lastrun.log say ?

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This is weird, it doesn't happen for me.

Anybody have a proper way to reproduce ?

What does the lastrun.log say ?


Short record problems occur

2015-08-08 02:20:42 [info] -> Selling item...

2015-08-08 02:20:44 [info] -> Selling item...

2015-08-08 02:20:45 [info] -> Selling item...

2015-08-08 02:20:47 [info] -> Selling item...

2015-08-08 02:20:48 [info] -> Moving to position(2092.071533, 5787.846680). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:48 [info] -> Moving to position(2092.071533, 5787.846680). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:49 [info] -> Moving to position(2211.956543, 5657.608398). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:49 [info] -> Moving to position(2211.956543, 5657.608398). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:49 [info] -> Moving to position(2211.956543, 5657.608398). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:50 [info] -> Moving to position(2132.661377, 5630.418457). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:50 [info] -> Moving to position(2146.656250, 5625.000000). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:51 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:52 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:52 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:53 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:53 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:54 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:55 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:55 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:56 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:57 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:57 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:58 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:59 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:20:59 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:00 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:00 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:01 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:02 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:02 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:03 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:04 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:04 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:05 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:06 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:06 [info] -> Moving to position(2135.814697, 5635.879883). State Priority: 5

2015-08-08 02:21:06 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!!

2015-08-08 02:21:06 [info] -> Loading stash tab...

2015-08-08 02:21:07 [info] -> Selecting stash tab 2...

2015-08-08 02:21:07 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!!

2015-08-08 02:21:08 [info] -> Stash Tab 1 is full!!

Bot is not yet read the data
They closed the warehouse page?
As long as this happens
I would not have to manually open a warehouse page




Other bot
Edited by Sian_Romantic

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This is weird, it doesn't happen for me.

Anybody have a proper way to reproduce ?

What does the lastrun.log say ?



Thus it seems that only Taiwanese versions
There are ways to make English interface perfect?

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I think it's because you're having a lot of stash tabs.

Try again on another account with less stash tabs.


I have only 4 stash tabs on all my accounts and never could test more than 8. Maybe you can let me access your account and make some test ?

I don't think it's specific to TW version.


BTW here is a wonderful link : http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs-tw.html

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