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A Few Questions

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So, I've been planning on quitting, but decided I might be better off botting instead of selling my character for now.


1) Is the bot programmed well enough to not die easily? I'm a level 84 Scion on Tempest, running block & incinerate. (I can post stats to see if I would be fine)

2) Does the bot even support incinerate?

3) Does the bot support act 4 as well, since the other one I checked out didn't.

4) Have you guys been experiencing heavy bans?

5) Does the bot support windows 10?


I've never botted PoE, but I've botted almost all the other major games I've played.


Thanks for your time,

Mikasa :)

Edited by Mikasa

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1) should be, but HC can always be dangerous. bot will never be comparable to playing manually, and there are some hard hitting mobs since 2.0. risk of getting one shotted is always looming. i would probably advise botting in manageable zones where the risk to die is close to 0. obviously a backup chicken (gurud) should be running, incase the bot crashes.


2) pretty much supports any character, some skills work better than others, but always workable with the right skill config.


3) yes, it does.


4) would say that ggg is banning aggressively compared to other companies. but if you are keeping it at an "ok lvl" (not 24/7 obviously), you should be fine. but you are botting in the end, there isn't 100 % guarantee to be safe.


5) no personal experience, but should run from what i read/heard.

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1) Desync and other lag issues are always a concern. Having a high chicken rate is always good on HC at high levels. Make sure you update daily and clear your cache and use PackCheck.  The bot does good in my opinion on staying alive. My highest farmer is 85 Bringer of Entropy build. I don't die very much but have about 15-20 chickens a night.


2) The bot mainly has issues with skills like Righteous Fire, new Cyclone. Try using NavMesh for incinerate.


3) Yes.


4) I'm biased on this one. Never banned.


5) It's under testing. You're welcomed to help out!

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Free until level 45



I'm level 84, just want to make sure bot works for my character before I drop money on another bot.

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The cheapest you'll find is the monthly key. Although I'm sure you already knew that.





Sorry, there are no one day trials.


You can make your money back on the monthly license easily by farming currency and offloading them to a vendor. Aeiz buys them here.



Exiled Bot is the best farming bot out there and when it gets quest integration, exilebuddy will be extinct.

Edited by Walt

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So, we've been running strong since last night, running it without it being hidden behind a different program, so we're hoping for the best :)

Account is like 3 years old, so hopefully that helps.


I have another question though.. Is there a way to get it to sell the chrom items it loots?

That shit fills up my stash so quick.

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