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v0.50i My experience thus far

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So to make this very clear I have been gaining levels. I first started botting last night at Chamber of Sin and gained about 4 levels before I stopped. In that time I noticed a few things:


The character dies a lot which pretty much throws out the option of using this bot with a higher difficulty. To be more specific it overuses mana in pretty much every situation, it does not know when to back out of a fight whether it has flasks or not, and sometimes it will get stuck and just not do anything when enemies come close to the character. I noticed this specifically with a fresh witch character I started to see how it would go. It got into the coast, attacked a few enemies and then when the slow moving enemies got close it would attack maybe every 15 seconds. This led to the character getting killed very fast.


Im not sure if these problems occur because I do not have waypoints already activated for these zones or maybe I'm just configuring the wrong settings but for the most part I have read and watched the tutorials and feel as if I have done everything properly. I did in fact setup waypoints after I figured out that issue. But my main concern.... it dies wayy too much making it utterly pointless to bot on a higher difficulty.

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So to make this very clear I have been gaining levels. I first started botting last night at Chamber of Sin and gained about 4 levels before I stopped. In that time I noticed a few things:


The character dies a lot which pretty much throws out the option of using this bot with a higher difficulty. To be more specific it overuses mana in pretty much every situation, it does not know when to back out of a fight whether it has flasks or not, and sometimes it will get stuck and just not do anything when enemies come close to the character. I noticed this specifically with a fresh witch character I started to see how it would go. It got into the coast, attacked a few enemies and then when the slow moving enemies got close it would attack maybe every 15 seconds. This led to the character getting killed very fast.


Im not sure if these problems occur because I do not have waypoints already activated for these zones or maybe I'm just configuring the wrong settings but for the most part I have read and watched the tutorials and feel as if I have done everything properly. I did in fact setup waypoints after I figured out that issue. But my main concern.... it dies wayy too much making it utterly pointless to bot on a higher difficulty.


It seems like you're running out of mana? Maybe you should change some of your flasks to mana pots?

The bot can't do complex actions like deciding when it is safe to attack or not. Basically, your equipment must be good enough to be able to bot some areas.

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so I need good gear for the starting area? It will just stop attacking as Ive mentioned before getting itself killed most of the time.

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Just get a Silverbranch bow and Craghead Quiver you should be able to easily clear low level areas.

They're about 1c~2c or even lower...

btw do your bot just completly stop attacking or switches to basic attacks?

If your bot completly stop attacking you need to raise the priority of your skills higher.

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I can tell you its not a bot issue. I've used it from 1-70 so far, and it does die a bit on harder rares, but other than that its like knife though butter...




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its a bit of both. Like I said zombies will get close to it and it will stop auto attacking and maybe throw a couple of hits it won't move either until the enemy is dead (thats when I had to manually pause the script and kill the zombie and then restart it.)

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Does your mouse pointer stick to the zombies? If it does then maybe you need to change your skill settings...

The bot should always automatically pick a key to press based on your skill settings, maybe you changed them and/or the keys pressed is empty?

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ill check my settings but the characters i use are brand new with no gems and I never messed with the skills. Ill try again and post more updates.

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Hmmm It does make common sense that the right gear would make the bot last longer but I wish someone would have put that in a guide or something before I let it bot on my hardcore character. Anyways thanks all for the help. I will post configs soon.

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