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0,50i. Stuck in aqueducts.

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Bot gets stuck in aqueducts after casting auras and golem. It walks a bit then starts spaming my rightclick which is shock nova. If i force it will continue and finnish the run. Right click options are default. Other are just auras which work fine.



Edited by Gunny803

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Same here just that my skill is different. Also it won't open the corrupted area in Aqueducts; more specifically it won't open the sewer door before entering. It should be programmed to open sewer door too. Also when NavMash Path finding is on, it click on my frenzy charge cooldown and stuck there until my frenzy charge end; it should programmed to avoid the "timer" zone too. Timer zone mean the place where the countdown of skill take place. Hope this is brief enough.


Also: There is a choice to choose act 4 The Dried Lake but it will never walk there.


P.S. the stuck doesn't happen every time thou, if it is left to bot for a night it will go to town after getting stuck over the "run timeout" setting. However its an obvious drag of time and inefficient farming we got there.

Edited by kareshi92

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Same here just that my skill is different. Also it won't open the corrupted area in Aqueducts; more specifically it won't open the sewer door before entering. It should be programmed to open sewer door too. Also when NavMash Path finding is on, it click on my frenzy charge cooldown and stuck there until my frenzy charge end; it should programmed to avoid the "timer" zone too. Timer zone mean the place where the countdown of skill take place. Hope this is brief enough.


Also: There is a choice to choose act 4 The Dried Lake but it will never walk there.


P.S. the stuck doesn't happen every time thou, if it is left to bot for a night it will go to town after getting stuck over the "run timeout" setting. However its an obvious drag of time and inefficient farming we got there.

a lot of demands for not buying the bot tbh.

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Please tell me, if bug is still happening in 0.50j.

BTW don't use navmesh pathfinding it's bugged and useless, i'm gonna remove it from UI.

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a lot of demands for not buying the bot tbh.

I'm just trying to help you improve the bot seriously. Please be constructive when commenting :) it will do you more good than harm.

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