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First of all thx for taking to read this post.



I have the bot and a lifetime account. All is unlocked. Folowed a guide here to set up a VM.

Also made me a second account on PoE.


Now t(he questions.


1) I'm going to use a VPN but what protocol should I use. Are there VPN services that protect you agains the STUN requests? (I haven't found one atm)   NAT firewall doesn't protect you.


2) What build would I choose best for farming?


3) Level up the character manualy?


4) Make more than one char on the account?


5) At what level should I be doing my first botting?


6) out of curriosity, Why do you bot?


Thx for the info

Have a nice day




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1) If you're only botting with one account, don't need a vpn service. safer this way.


2) As corny as it sounds, the best builds are melee tanks. They're cheap to make and come a dime a dozen. Look up "marauder 2.0 poe builds" in google.


3) You'll have to learn the game to an extent, you will want to figure out how to make a super good farmer right? You'll need to run through the game and unlock way points and such. It's not as easy as it seems. Alkpone is working on quest integration which will streamline and automate this process.


4) Purely institutional and entirely up to you. I'd say yes because your first character is going to suck. Make another one down the road if you screw him up too badly.


5) I start botting at level one.


6) I bot for joy, entertainment, money, to get ahead and because I don't have enough time to play as many video games as I'd like to. I help people on here because I want to.

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Ah oki. thx alot for the info. I'm using a VPN service on my VM. I'm still playing with my main account in a "normal" way I will never go botting on that char.

I'm just testing it out with a 1 extra account just to see "what and how" it should and can be. If I enjoy it I'll think I will add some more accounts. 

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