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Some Pickit Issues/Questions

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Got some a Problem with my Pickit


1. My Bot dont pick up this Items

   [Type] == "Pinnacle Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1200" && [shield_block_%] >= "28" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true"
   [Type] == "Pinnacle Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1200" && [shield_block_%] >= "28" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true"
   [Type] == "Pinnacle Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1600" && [shield_block_%] >= "28" && [StashItem] == "true"
   [Type] == "Pinnacle Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1300" && [shield_block_%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true"

   [Type] == "Ezomyte Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1200" && [shield_block_%] >= "28" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true"
   [Type] == "Ezomyte Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1200" && [shield_block_%] >= "28" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true"
   [Type] == "Ezomyte Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1600" && [shield_block_%] >= "28" && [StashItem] == "true"
   [Type] == "Ezomyte Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Computed Armor] >= "1300" && [shield_block_%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true"

   //[Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [base_min_added_physical_damage] >= "4" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "25" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "32" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true"

   // [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [base_min_added_physical_damage] >= "4" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "25" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"
    [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "32" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true"

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You told the bot to pick up items that matches these stats, not to pick up rares AND keep them if the stats met

// # is used to separate mods checked after item identification. If an item matchs mods before the # and doesn't match the ones after, it will be sold to vendor.



[Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"


[Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare"   = take rare spike point quivers


# = ID it


stats && oher stats && etc = check if they match -> stash 




modify the rest like this

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You told the bot to pick up items that matches these stats, not to pick up rares AND keep them if the stats met

// # is used to separate mods checked after item identification. If an item matchs mods before the # and doesn't match the ones after, it will be sold to vendor.



[Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "25" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true"


[Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare"   = take rare spike point quivers


# = ID it


stats && oher stats && etc = check if they match -> stash 




modify the rest like this



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