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Bot getting stuck on esc menu

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Randomly, when exiting an area after a run and returning to town through TP, the bot will be stuck on the "esc menu" (the one that comes up when you push the escape button).


This is what the log says:


2015-07-26 14:38:38 [info] -> Map explored !!
2015-07-26 14:38:38 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2015-07-26 14:38:38 [info] -> Creating tp...
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Moving to position(5461.956543, 18538.042969). State Priority: 19
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Moving to position(5461.956543, 18538.042969). State Priority: 19
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2015-07-26 14:38:40 [info] -> Moving to position(5461.956543, 18538.042969). State Priority: 19
2015-07-26 14:38:41 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000
2015-07-26 14:38:41 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2015-07-26 14:38:41 [info] -> Moving to position(5461.956543, 18538.042969). State Priority: 19
2015-07-26 14:38:41 [info] -> Error while reading progression.
2015-07-26 14:38:41 [info] -> Chicken state because no tp found in player's inventory
2015-07-26 14:38:41 [info] -> Restart state because area is cleared
2015-07-26 14:38:42 [info] -> Chickened via method ESC+CLICK!
2015-07-26 14:38:42 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Moving to stash
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Moving to stash
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Moving to stash
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2015-07-26 14:38:43 [info] -> Moving to stash
2015-07-26 14:38:44 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2015-07-26 14:38:44 [info] -> Moving to stash
2015-07-26 14:38:44 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
2015-07-26 14:38:44 [info] -> Moving to stash
2015-07-26 14:38:44 [info] -> Loading stash tab...
The bot used a TP to get to town, and then opened the escape menu and got stuck there. There are plenty more TPs in my inventory, and it seems like the bot tried to look for the TP after it used a TP to get to town.
As I said, this is random. The bot will sometimes do 100 runs without this happening, sometimes it happens in 10 runs.
Edited by gwake87

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Indeed this issue is known and problematic, we need to detect esc menu open to fix it.

It's on priority list.

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