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@Alkpone Bot update question

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I have noticed lately that something called the "off sets" are breaking the bot every time POE updates. What i was wandering was  is it possible to make these "off sets" programmable through an ".ini" file, so that all we need to do to update the bot is download a new ".ini" file rather than a new bot and having to change all the settings.

Thank you in advance  :idea:

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Sorry this topic was so full of "non sense" that I had to delete all the posts :o.


To answer shortly, an offset is a mathematical distance used by the bot to jump from an object to another while retrieving game values like stats, positions, items etc.

As some objects of the game change each time there is an update, I have to often fix this in the bot, which most of the time means "updating offsets".


There is no good solution for this, ideally we would like to have an auto-updater to inform us if bot is up or down, which is planned but not for today.

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