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Maps not upgrading.

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When doing maps the bot does not upgrade normal maps to magic.


Bot Version = .5d


Map.ipd, I removed everything besides whats below in exact order.


[Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToMagic] == "true"
[MapLevel] >= "68" && [MapLevel] < "73" # [RunMap] == "true"
[Rarity] == "Unique" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[Type] == "Orchard Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[Type] == "Tropical Island Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[Type] == "Vaal Pyramid Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[Type] == "Dungeon Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[Type] == "Torture Chamber Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[Type] == "Dry Peninsula Map" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
[map_player_has_blood_magic_keystone] >= "1" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true"
[map_player_has_blood_magic_keystone] >= "1" # [ignoreMap] == "true"

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First of why did you remove everything? and second if you don't want the bot to do something keep the // at the start of the line and the bot will ignore that line.

You cant just remove stuff its as if i would go into a program remove some parts of the code and run it, it will not work as its intended.


Just go into a non edited map.idp and put // infront of the stuff you dont want it to do instead and see if it works.

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First of why did you remove everything? and second if you don't want the bot to do something keep the // at the start of the line and the bot will ignore that line.

You cant just remove stuff its as if i would go into a program remove some parts of the code and run it, it will not work as its intended.


Just go into a non edited map.idp and put // infront of the stuff you dont want it to do instead and see if it works.

I removed all the comments so its easier to read. And I do know how comments work. However bot is not working as intended so I figured I would keep it simple for troubleshooting.

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You are using default.ipd? if not, try editing the default one!!!

I had the same issue some time ago!

No I'm not using default.ipd. Im using a ipd called lowlevel.ipd and selecting it. I'll give the default.ipd a try. Thanks for the info.

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