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Exiled bot choosing area but not moving

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http://1drv.ms/1QN67PG -- This is a one drive link to a video file of me showing the issue-- to which there is loud music that I have no idea how to cut out -- SORRY.


Win OS 8.1



Config File


; Bot main config file

; Bot will be paused in the login screen for a random value between these numbers (this is the minimum value) /Note: On unpaused bot will be started immediately/
; Bot will be paused in the login screen for a random value between these numbers (this is the maximum value) /Note: On unpaused bot will be started immediately/
; Bot will be paused in the login screen after a random amount of runtime between these numbers (this is the minimum value) /Note: Counting down paused when the bot is paused/
; Bot will be paused in the login screen after a random amount of runtime between these numbers (this is the maximum value) /Note: Counting down paused when the bot is paused/
; 0->Bot will wait until character is in town and then logout. 1->Bot will instantly logout. 2->Bot will wait until in town / hideout and then idle without loggin out.
; Define here which character you want to use in the character selection screen (default : 1, top character).
; Define here what is the last act unlocked by your character.
; Define here what is the last difficulty unlocked (1=normal, 2=cruel, 3=merciless).
; Open chest?
; Open strongbox?
; Open chest under this range (clean monsters before) (0 : infinite).
; Will not try to open breakables.
; Activate shrine
; Activate shrines under this range
; Level gems?
; If you want to use Alt to loot items, setting this option to true may reduce the number of crap loot, to use this parameter, you need to enable the option Key Pickup in the UI options and be sure the highlight key is set up on alt (default : true)
; Press shift while moving
; Here write the name of the zone that you want the bot to clean. You have to write it /! HE SAME WAY/!as it is written in the coordinates.ini file (without _x or _y ofc). For now, the bot can only clean one zone per run.
; Important!! you have to give the act which the zone belongs.
; Set the difficulty desired (1=normal, 2=cruel, 3=merciless).
; Farm corrupted area?
; Enable Map farming?
; Percent of the map from which bot consider map is cleared, bot will restart instance when value reached.
; If the number of dead monster around character didn't change during last 60s (default), next instance! (set to 0 to disable this feature).
; Maximum time (in seconds) allowed per run. when timer is reached, exit to login and start again.
; Use TP Scrolls instead of exiting to login.
; Go to hideout instead of town
; Bot will sell items to this NPC
; Select how to teleport to the hideout. (0: both (Random), 1: Chat command, 2: Waypoint selection)
; Your PoE type, 0->Normal, 1->Steam, 2->Garena SEA, 3->Garena TW, 4->Garena CIS
; Chicken if any of the specified monsters is in range?
; Range to deteck monsters for chicken
; Enable auto profile changer? (Profile will not be changed untill log-off or portal to town.)
; Profile will be changed after this amount of time in minutes (counting start after Start button)
; Randomize the time by this percent (eg.: if you set the time to 100 and the random to 10 profile could switch any time from 90 to 110 minutes)
; If enabled the bot will full relog when profile changed (Good for character change)
; Will sell items to the NPC with the name of "custom_npc_name" setting instead of the default one
; Will use the custom coord if enabled (found in "coordinates.ini" under "menu" section with key name "npc_sell_button_y_custom")
; Enable nav mesh pathfinding system, computation are much faster than old system. However this is still bugged and being tested atm.
; Explore the whole map first before taking the transit to the next level.
; Bot will always find and kill map unique bosses first before going back to town.
; Will press this button if the character is stucked. Use movement skill for this to unstuck.
; Enable stashing?
; Which stash tab to use? If multi-stashtab is enabled separate tabs with commas. eg: 1,5,7
; Sets which map profile should be used
Edited by dechesirekat

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Hey dude, what does the logfile say ?


Did you wait 30sec+, crossroads can be a big and complex map to load.

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I do wait about 5mins before giving up, as you can see in the video (turn down your sound). Here's the log files. It should be a pretty easy setup, its just "cast dual strike always and cast vaal lightening if more than 4 enimies and you haven't cast in last 10 seconds"






Edited by dechesirekat

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Put in to *left mouse click* quick slot *move only* Skill (atm at Middle mouse click) and remove Double strike skil somewhere else 

btw dont forget to drop all settings to default at Skill Tab for Left Mouse click (priority = 1)  

Edited by metaxer

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dude, if i see right u set R and T on Aura, but theres none in POE at R and T, stuff like that causes bot not to move at all.


hes trying to cast a aura on these buttons but its not there so hes stuck at his first task and wont move


btw.: one day they know odesza remix, big up!

Edited by dynastyo
pretty lights - one day they'll know

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OMG - I changed the buttons so that left mouse click was move, and turned off the auras and it works perfectly. You guys rock thank you -- you have no idea how long I've been trying to fix it. I had the auras setup at one point and he would stop moving after he turned the auras on.... so while it wasn't the root cause, it definitely contributed to the problem AND I had forgotten about it :) 


And yeah that chillstep radio on pandora is pretty dope.



Thanks again guys you fucking rock.

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