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Collecting wands

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Hi people.

I am still trying to get to terms with pickits and I need some help. I would like to collect wands for example and i don't want to pick up every weapon in the game just to get wands.

Will this line work to pick up all carved wands but only stash the socketed ones or do I need a line for each rarity . 


[Type] == "Carved Wand" # [sockets] >= "1" && [stashItem] == "true" 


If this line works do I do the same line for each type of wand or is there a simpler way

Thank you


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I don't think your socketed comment makes sense since all wands have at least one socket.  


Thank you i didn't know wands had at least 1 socket.  But is the basics of the line right?. if it is the right format then i can use it to farm belts and boots etc. And it is easy to change the number of sockets to 2 or 3 if  thats what i want later

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regardless of sockets, wands have max 3 sockets anyways not hard to craft the sockets, so no point to add that comment in.


in addition if wand isn't categorized as an independent recognizable category by the bot then you will need to make a line for every base item wand.

Edited by aeiz

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I asked if the format was right or if there was a better way to do it. if the format is right i can change it to suit my needs. i didn't ask about sockets ! I said if it is the right format i can use it to collect belts and i know belts don't have sockets.


Is it the right format or is there a better way for example I don't know if you can use wild cards like this for example


[Type] == "* Wand" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "57" && [stashItem] == "true"


Going by the examples that are shown at the start pf the picket i should use 


[Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "57" && [stashItem] == "true"


But the previous line will pick up to much stuff and fill my inventory to quick and only with rare items

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as mentioned before because i wasn't home to check the pickit file, so i wasn't completely sure if wand is an independently recognizable comment for the bot, but now that i've taken a look at it, i don't think alkpone has made it recognizable yet, so you will need to separately add each wand by name of base item.

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