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Guest seanpf11


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Guest seanpf11

us arent currently able to run the game under a VM for whatever reason, and it seems the only red flag atm is the auto logout when timer expires or monsters are killed. is it possible we could implement the bot just following the shortest course back to the WP? this would be exetremely helpful for some people and alleviate alot of fears, as well as remove the chance for alot of non members getting banned for not even really knowing about the VM.

Just a thought!

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1. ur saying it isnt possible to run the bot/game in a vm atm?

thats just wrong. kinda everyone is running the bot within a vm atm. win7 32bit works quite good. win xp doesnt work at all.

2. if u relog or go back to tp doesnt rly matter. since both is extremly easy to catch automatically.

but the most important part is, that it doesnt even matter since there are no automatical bot checks yet. guess theyr rly busy with getting the release build rdy. so i expect the first automatical bot checks a few months after release. thats also the earliest point of this kind of software as i would say. (thats just my opinion. so dont blame me if u get automatically banned ;P)

3. the only reason u can get banned for atm is probably getting reported by another player. which is happening if u look "suspicious". for example if ur running to the wp selection part in town every minute or something like this.

4. if u got no clue about vms there are plenty of vm helping threads here in the forums. also google helps alot if u invest some time.

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Guest seanpf11

I never said the VM doesnt work with it. read my post correctly please. I said some of us arent able to get it working correctly, for me I dont like to run path minimized and my graphics card just cannot keep up. Ive configured all the settings and my PC pulls 100% use and my regular operating system locks up. <---this scares me.

And it has nothing to do with suspicious other players that might see me at a WP, its more so i dont want my friends on my friends list to wonder why i keep logging in and out....

I mean by all means if thats a complicated request forget it :P, Im a programming nubcake i just figured it wouldnt be hard to make a little algorithm to find the shortest distance back from the path youve walked or even to zone into the next territory(like the ledge) and reset instance from there.

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sry if there was a misunderstanding ;)

walking back to the wp is indeed not too easy and also wasting alot of time.

alot easier it would be to let the bot use a portal scroll/gem instead of logging.

but to help ur freidn list problem:

just dont bot on ur main acc ;)

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