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What does exploration_distance do?

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Is there a database or something similar that shows what each argument does?

Anyway, my question is, does anyone know what 'exploration_distance' does?

I've tried setting it to 1 and it doesn't seem to change anything.

Changing it to a high value such as 1000 seems to exit the run.

Just curious.

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; Set distance explored while character is running around the map


Explains it fairly well. It is I assume, the distance around you that is marked as explored by the bot on the map when pathing so as to prevent going over old territory twice and so it knows what percent of the map is completed. Setting it slightly lower than the default 60 seems to help in some indoor areas like the church dungeon. Setting it slightly higher helps with some areas such as the ledge when you don't want it running up and down the same stretch. Setting it to 1000 will likely make the bot trigger that the whole map is done before you walk halfway across a map once and thus will break it.

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well done ggg-botman.

rly good explanation.

@ pbeary

with a bit of thinking on ur side every config variable is explained in the config file so u can most likely understand it.

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comon rly?

its explained in the config file AND GGG_Botman gave a rly nice explanation aswell.

Also botting isnt brainless. Doing things automatically mostly means u have to think MORE in the beginning. not LESS.

so here another explanation:

the exploration distance is like a circle around ur char. If the radius is the whole distance, or half of the distance isnt important now. its one of those two.

So as u walk around the bot marks all points within the circle. setting the distance very low lets the bot explore the map very carefully and running into all the edges. if u set a high exploration distance the bot doesnt have to walk all over the place to mark it as explored.

but since it took u at least two explanations i highly recommend u shouldnt change anything within the systems.ini

thats what the system.ini initial comment says:


and no. getting what a value actually does after two explanations IS NOT knowing what ur doing.

so pls dont change anything in there. there are still enough values out there u can change and its alrdy complicated enough.

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"comon really" to what?

i was just saying thanks to botman for the info, but here you are being an ass about it.

there was no explanation to why 1000 exits the run so i was confused. just trying to learn here.

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