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Problem with stash position in Sarn encampment act3

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Hello, i would like to report a problem with the 0.30h version of the bot.

I decided to update from 0.30d which was perfectly stable to 0.30h and it didn't go so well...

I noticed an issue when the bot tries to click on the stash in the Sarn encampment, with 0.30d the cursor move was accurate but with 0.30h the cursor target an area around the stash and unpredictibly click there, moving the cursor a bit if it doesn't find the stash. 1/4 of the time it results on the bot selcting the publicboard instead of the stash and getting stuck there.

Here is a picture of how i occasionnally find the bot when i come back (btw the flask issue is still present on this version, notice the 2nd flask slot).




It also occasionnaly get stuck at the waypoint with the social tab open but i suspect it moved there after opening it via the publicboard and get stuck then.

I decided to post a report here in the eventuality of someone having a solution, if it's not the case i'm going to rollback to 0.30d which worked very well on my setup. Thanks in advance for the help.


P.S.: Is it possible to ask to the bot to go to another town stash than Act3 one? I tried to tell him to go to Ness specifically, Tried to select an Act 1 area in the map selection but then when i enable map farming the bot get crazy on the act1 mapand try clicking on the edge of the window...


P.P.S: While i'm at it i'd like to mention that the bot get stuck in an infinite loop when running a map like "dunjeon". All the maps where the end boss is in a small area, the bot keep zoning in and out even once it's cleared, it will then logout and login after the predetermined time and start looping again. Repeat till there is no map portal left.

Edited by Noar

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I'm not sure if it's related but i also noticed that with 0.30h the logs are huge. Like really huge for a log file. For example the timer log is 100mo on one of my bot which is approximatively stable and... 550mo on one which keep randomly crashing (not mentionning the 40mo last run log and the 68mo pathinding log. I gave up trying to read those logs after 5min trying to open it.. With 0.30d the timer log would never even reach 1mo.


P.S: I managed to open the "small" 40mo last run log. Here is a sample.... That's only 6s.



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