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What to do with my build?

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Now that there is path finding, I think that my 1H + shield Leaper is probably not the best anymore.

I am not heavily invested in shield nodes yet, so I would be ok with duel wielding maybe. I have a pretty killer Physical axe right now.

I am using a duelist to bot, so I was thinking maybe a DW cleaver might be ideal? Maybe a Melee splash Double/Heavy Strike and still keep the shield? I really like blocking

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ye leap slam isnt op anymore.

also thought about cleave, reave or inf blow splash.

some kind of hard facetanking short range melee

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Guest seanpf11

you could always spec Dual strike and focus on health / armor / hp regen nodes. only problem with this is imagine there will be difficulties with configuring blood rage

Dual strike/melee splash/multistrike(or faster attacks whatever ur prference is) + melee phys and mana leech.

with this spec just throwing a decoy totem into your skills config with about a 8-10 second cooldown at a short maxed range will provide you the time you need to dps mobs down.

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ye leap slam isnt op anymore.

also thought about cleave, reave or inf blow splash.

some kind of hard facetanking short range melee

How come leap slam isn't op anymore? (no time to play atm so.....)

My marauder still fucks up every single monster i face :o

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the build itself is still pretty cool.

but with path finding its crap.

since the main advantage with leap slam was great mobility even if the bot couldnt find a way to the monsters.

now with path finding its better to have some short ranged melees.

cause u cant jump around edges. so the 400 (or whatever) max range of leap slam combined with the path finding will either be overwritten or u set the stop pathing and start atking variable to 400 aswell and then u get stuck if monsters cant get reached from where u stand.

same problem happened in earlier versions aswell ofc. but wasnt fixable cause no pathing available.

so having a short ranged melee u just walk until u reach the monster and then atk. so not blocked in any way.

PS: only blocked if pathing fails in some strange situations. if the way around something is too far. as i rem that happens with a* if u improve the performance too much xD (not rly a problem since its not happening alot)

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