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Aura Cast Issue Iso Help out of Idea's

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Hey all,




At my "Main" System ( Win 7 ) the Bot Cast my Arctic Amour -> Mousewheel and Stuck at the Next Aura Clarity -> Hotkey "E".... From this point he stay at the Waypoint and Cast the Aura on/off on/off ect ect...





If i run the same Account same Char same Bot Settings in my Vmware all works great... No Stuck No Issue just perfect........................



My Plan:


My Plan was running few Bot Accounts via my Vmware and play "Myself" with my Main Account on my "Main" system and just start the bot if i need to go "AFK".... Now i need to go off and start Poe in my Vmware.... to bot my Main ACC...... sux a little bit ;(


Some1 can help me out with this Issue ?


many thanks in advance



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So it only happens when bot tries to cast an aura after arctic armour ?



Nope just tested it few mins ago same Error if i go without Arctic Amour skill....


but cuz it work on Same char with same Bot settings in my Vmware "I THINK" it cant be a bot problem... it must be some fault on my Computer "Main" Windows ? or not?


What stuff i should check to be sure my Windows have the right configurations? or all stuff is right installed?

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It's really hard to figure out what's happening. It looks like wrong offsets issue.. I'll try to make some changes and post a new test version here.

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It's really hard to figure out what's happening. It looks like wrong offsets issue.. I'll try to make some changes and post a new test version here.



Thanks Alk !


BumP for all who "maybe" have an idea to fix this


Thanks in advance

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Hey Alk,


After a fresh Bot Installation it works... if I start also my VMware for the Bot Armee... it comes again to the Issue


! I dont know if my Anti Virus "Norton" Kills the bot or my Vmware after the start... !


Iam out of Energy and just to tired to search more to find/fix this crap...


I stay like it is and just run bot via my VM's and wont use it at my Main system...


Thanks for all Topic can close ;(

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Sorry for your issue dude, this kind of problems can be a real pain.

If you are out of energy, maybe it's time to make a build that doesn't need arctic armour..

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Sorry for your issue dude, this kind of problems can be a real pain.

If you are out of energy, maybe it's time to make a build that doesn't need arctic armour..


It works on my Vmware also with Arctic Amour ;) iam fine with my chars xD


its just sux why it cant run on my Main comouter system

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