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are ban still massive? just wanna know..

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What exactly were you doing when the characters were banned?  Using other programs outside of this bot?


it's helpful if you list what your style was and/or what other programs you were using also. 



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just had one banned this morning after 5 mins of use.


Can you give us more details ? This only happens to people using already flagged vpn ips. 

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Lost several accounts just today, another 3 about a week ago. Maybe it's just me I don't know... Previously my accounts lasted up to 3-5 months, now it's just few weeks.


Some people do 24/7 for entire year and don't get banned, some bot just 8-10hr and get banned in a week. 

VPNs don't really help (even private/dedicated), because you can't be sure if the IPs are safe or are  already compromised when you're buying them.

There was a thread on this forum where a guy used to offer VPN service and got very good feedback, until one day...

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I want to ask a simple question. Before you banned! did you get anything from Poe shop with real money? like skill effect, premium stash. etc.  I asked this question to another topic but I want to see how many people have diffirent stuation 'cause of bans.

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i got banned with 12+ premium stashtabs on some accs. even ppl who bought supporter packs get banned. so it wont help u getting off their radar.


my bans all happened when AC was implemented early this year, since then its quiet :)

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